In many images, though a picture may portray a certain meaning to another, someone else might actually pick up on something completely different. I feel that this is highly similar to the way we feel when listening to music and the feeling that is given to us when we listen to it. In music alot of feelings can be put into the song by increasing or even decreasing the volume, using a different style or even the instruments used. I personally feel that in music, emotions are easier to put into words rather than through in instruments which is why i usually pay alot more attention to the instrumentalism than the words.
This is an aspect that many people around the world are still unable to grasp especially in Singapore, as the society there is built highly on commerce with majority of people there still unable to get used to things like this. Even with art and images like we did in this module, much of the society is still not able to understand such a complex piece of art with only a small niche able to truly feel, visualize or understand it. Oh well, I'll continue thinking about this in detail and hopefully continue.